By now you probably know that I have a sweet tooth. Sweet teeth, actually. Over the weekend I made this layer cake.
I used the Best Birthday Cake and Instant Fudge Frosting recipes from Smitten Kitchen, which is a stellar baking/cooking blog. For the frosting, I did not use a food processor, as she recommends. This is mostly because I do not own a food processor. I whipped it and whipped it good, though.
I had taken a few other pictures, but the lighting situation is dire. The cake was fairly scrumptious, though. I took it to work on Monday to share with co-workers.
Sidenote: I used what I call my cake cozy, which I found here. It's one of the best things I've bought over the last six months or so. A steal at $13.95. It does not budge and has a built-in slicer/server. Genius.