That wakeup call a few weeks ago is still front and center in my mind. I've continued to read and research, and today I found a really useful site called Caring Connections.
On this site, you can download (for free) the state-specific advance directive form that applies for you. This is basically a document that you sign (and typically have witnessed and/or notarized, depending on the state) that tells your wishes. Do you want to be kept alive on machines if, God forbid, something terrible happens in your young life? What if you develop a serious condition when you're older?
The fact is that no one can predict what will happen, and when you need to make use of an advance directive, it will already be too late. This site makes it very easy to download, print, and proceed with completing your advance directive. It is a document that every legal adult should have. And it's free.
I try not to be too preachy with my blog, but when I come across information that I feel is vital to be shared, then I am going to share it. It's because I care about each of you whom I know personally, and I also want other readers to be in the know.
Note: This is by no means a substitute for legal or medical advice. I feel compelled to add that little jewel.
I may actually fill one of those out and have my husband fill one out as well.