Thursday, November 17, 2011

Jingle Jangle

I saw this picture in my inbox today from Crate and Barrel.  If it doesn't put you in the Christmas spirit, I don't know what will.  I'd like that outfit in my size, please.  (He can keep the cap.)


  1. Oh. Mai. Gawd. What a cutie!

    This year is the first that I've ever been excited for Christmas... It's an odd feeling, but I like it :)

  2. Hi I'm a new follower, I found you via ashley at one fine day and I've come back to look at this picture atleast 3 times its just so cute!

  3. Thanks! And welcome to new readers!

  4. I got the catalog this week and thought the same thing. PERFECT picture.

  5. My long lost Tommy! It's Freck. Hope you're well, and by the looks of your blog it looks like things are rolling along nicely! :)
