Sunday, August 29, 2010

My, My...So Resourceful

My pal Lexie introduced me to a really cool brand called Resource Furniture.  It's a line of completely multi-functional and ingenious pieces that are sort of like IKEA meets Transformers. 

Are you short on space but long on possessions?  Check out the video below for a demonstration of several products.  The clip is 6 1/2 minutes, but it's neat to watch, even if you're not in the market for new furniture.  Thanks, Lexie!


  1. OMG. I need those beds. I love this!

  2. IKEA meets the transformers. I smell a new strap line for them, no?! Hope you had an awesome weekend, T.

  3. This is so cool!!

    I'll take one of everything, please! :P

  4. OMG how cool!! Love Will's comment. LOL!

    Yes it's definitely one of those weekends, and I definitely came home in tears from exhaustion. Oy, I have never had one of those days before. So silly! I hope you had a great weekend! :)
