Thursday, July 1, 2010

One Year Aleady?

It's true.  I started Specs Appeal on June 30th of last year with the view from my post as a drive "thru" teller with an MBA.  (I'm a day late with this post.  Whoops.)  Look at me now.  Hehe.

This is a picture of me next to a crazy sign for a taxidermy shop on a mini-road trip with Ann Marie.  It's random and funny as hell.

I really can't believe it's been 366 days.  So much has changed since then.  I moved to Nashville and started a new job.  That was the major thing.  I discovered new TV shows and obsessions.  The rowdy upstairs neighbor got a little more friendly with the Metro PD, thanks to a late-night tip from me.  I've met tons of new blog friends in the process, and overall I am trying to enjoy life.  It's not always easy, but it's worth it.  And I'm glad you're along for the ride.

I just wanted to thank you for reading and commenting.  If anyone is "lurking," as they say, don't be shy!  Feel free to comment and/or follow if you feel so inclined.  I read every comment and appreciate all of the feedback.


  1. Happy One Year Blogging Birthday, T! I'm glad to be along for the ride with ya.

  2. Congrats on the One Year Anniversary! As disturbing as that sign is next to you, you look really great in this pic! So photogenic!

  3. Congrats on one year (and one day)! Your blog is awesome and I love reading it, even if I don't comment every time. P.S. That is the most amazing photo ever.

  4. So is the lion taking the deer in to be stuffed or what? Random. Happy blog anniversary. Looking forward to year two.

  5. Congrats on your blog birthday-- looking forward to another year. So glad that we've connected through our comments!!!

  6. Oh, I'm so late to this. Happy blog birthday Tommy!!

  7. Congrats, Tommy!
    You've been so sweet and thoughtful.

    And cute as a button in your green vest!
